The Bag Of Opossums

This item appears to be and functions as a type I bag of holding. One must announce what the item is. Whenever you retrieve an item from the bag of Opossums, roll a d100 0-10 the item is normal, 11-40 the item does not get drawn, 41-100 the item becomes a Opossum whose size is reliant on the weight of the item. The item cannot be worth over 50 gold. There is a set amount of Items that can be announced, and can only be used once per session.   This Opossum has the statistics of a giant rat and exudes an aura of transmutation magic. The Opossum can speak through telepathy to a single individual. The possum must be touching the individual, in addition the Opossum forms a attachment to the one who had taken the item. If the Opossum is targeted with a remove curse spell or other effects that remove magical effects, it transforms back into the intended item that was meant to be taken from the bag of possums. If it dies or is slain, the Opossum disappears and the item is permanently destroyed. The more Opossums drawn from the bag, the less stable each Opossum becomes, As well as if the Opossum is alive for more then a certain amount of days determined by the DM. The Opossum begins to act as the devil on the individuals shoulder, from each suggestion a demented Opossum makes the individual must make a will save or follow through with the suggestion.   Those who see any interaction with the Opossum wind up believing the player to be crazed and will result in harder social interactions. Mechanically a player will receive a -2 modifier to any rolls to Make an impression or diplomacy.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Base Price
20 gp