The Rothwyn's


The Rothwyn family are a wealthy family of high elves from the sunken land of Avathiel. In fact, the Rothwyns lay claim to the title of the oldest recorded family line in all of Maeon claiming to have been responsible for the fall of the once great empire of the Yuan-Ti. The Rothwyns soon came across great wealth from selling ancient technology and metal to the growing other ancestries of Maeon. Making a very big investment of materials to the growing dwarven empires. Once coin was a non issue the Rothwyns injected a member of their house to many of the factions of the world, from arcane academies, to thieves guilds, to even higher government a Rothwyn has the ear to many a powerful individual. Eventually the Rothwyn family would be hired to once again change the political landscape of Maeon. That Job was to destroy the Empire of Hussaria. A Rohwyn Assassin would slaughter the heirs of the Emperor of Hussaria, leaving one son alive. This action would work against the elven people. Causing members of their race to be slaughtered and persecuted. The Rothyn's did not truley care for their fellow elves, taking the money they made and buying land and influence in the land of Thassos. The Rothwuns were quick to dig their hands into the political landscape of this former theocracy.

Born To Greatness

Political, Family
Family Leader
Parent Organization