The Sultan's Remains

This mass of rotted flesh and crimson fungal growths crawls from it's once revered home. It stares down at the legion in front of it. Eyes filled with hunger and rage as it prepares to devour and assimilate all who dare face it.

It was once a great Djinni, ruling Aard Alsama with a iron grip. The Djinni used it's subjects to abuse it's ability to grant wishes. Using it's mystical power to launch the city to the sky and grant unimaginable wealth. His selfishness was the cause of his demise as his final wish as for a unending army. Instead of granting his wish in the simplestĀ of ways tends to be chaotic twisting and warping his wish to into plague. One that would create a endless hivemind that had the ability to consume all. This sickness quickly made it's way throughout the city, being able to effect even those with a immunity to natural diseases. The Djinn himself joined the ranks of the endless fungal warriors and his city once above the endless dunes of sands. A pillar and wonder to all that would visit Sabab Khasir, began to fall and crash into the ground.
Neutral Evil
Current Status
Circumstances of Death
Was destroyed by The forces of Aard Alanaar and The party
Place of Death
Aard Alsama