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Magical zoologist

A variant of zoologists, magical zoologists study specifically magical animals. Although their job may sound straight-forward, many (wild) magical animals live far from human civilization, near magical hotspots. As such, any magical zoologist who wishes to study them outside of captivity has to travel into the far reaches of the world, the distant wilderness, and, often, even into the Deep Below.   The reclusive nature of magical animals is well known, and any who intend to become magical zoologists are aware long before they begin studying for the work. Outside of a few who may specialize exclusively in domestic animals, most zoologists will also train extensively in survival techniques, so they can travel through the wilderness as safely as possible. Even those who work with domestic animals only are encouraged to learn wilderness training, should their research unexpectedly take them into the wild after all.



Magical zoologists typically offer training to reach the exact qualifications required for their job. Interested parties are expected to have taken animal-related classes in their advanced years to prepare, depending on whatever their school offered (such as animal husbandry, animal studies, or magical biology). In addition to zoology-specific training, magical zoologists are also commonly taught survival techniques and given wilderness training.

Career Progression

Magical zoologists are researchers, and thus typically follow a career progression like other researchers. Often they will initially work with other researchers, or focus on smaller studies, and gradually build their way up to more increased renown, and with it, the ability to focus on larger or more expensive studies. Of course, exceptions always exist.

Other Benefits

Magical zoologists can become rather well known, especially since magical animals are by nature so difficult to study. Most, if not all, magical schools have subjects around magical animals, and well-done research is thus essential to these classes. A zoologist who makes a major discovery can thus quickly attain quite a bit of fame.
Alternative Names
Zoologist, Animal researcher
Research / Scientific
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