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Arboreals, also known as Ents or Treants, are sapient trees that take it upon themselves to be the guardians of forests and representatives for mundane trees.
  As longlived as the woods they watch over, arboreals consider themselves parents and shepherds of trees rather than their gardeners. Consequently, while arboreals tend to be slow and methodical, they are terrifyingly swift when forced to fight in defense of the woods. Though they rarely seek out the companionship of short-lived folk and have an inherent distrust of change, arboreals have been known to tolerate those who seek to learn from their long-winded, rambling monologues, especially if such pupils also express a desire to protect the timberlands. Against those who threaten their realm, such as loggers eager to overharvest lumber or settlers aiming to establish croplands or a town, arboreals’ wrath is unwavering and devastating. Perhaps ironically, arboreals are gifted at tearing down what others build—a trait that serves vengeful members of their kind well.
  An arboreal is not a mindless monster and they can be reasoned with. Settlers who show they will live in harmony with the forest and will respect the land and creatures can bargain with arboreal protectors and establish prosperous towns. Arboreals respect and value gifts that enhance natural forests. Druids and other primal spellcasters that offer to use their magic to restore forests after natural disasters (e.g. fire, quakes) can usually receive concessions from arboreals. Plant growth rituals can also be used to trade land from arboreals to ensure that the reduced forests can still support the full biodiversity. Loggers that sustainably harvest trees and take care of the forest can also be accepted by arboreals. Many cultures commune with the forest to identify the trees that can acceptably be felled.


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