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The Aselian trox live in the frozen polar region of south eastern Irralish and cover both rimward and hubward areas. The Aselians survive in an area that few others could inhabit due to the trox's incredible tunneling abilities. This culture burrows intricate networks of tunnels through the snow and ice to protect their people from the harsh surface environments. Ingenious understanding of airflow and the strategic use of heat sources keep these tunnels well ventilated with a pleasant breeze. Barriers to this airflow risk suffocation so Aselian homes are all open to the rest of the settlement.
  Aselians have, by necessity, developed a culture that echews many taboos of other people. Privacy is not valued as to hide yourself from view is to block air from your home. Clothing is valued for its warmth and not to cover your body. The exoskeleton of trox means that many Aselians do not need clothing.
  As the trox grow out of their exoskeletons, the chitinous shells are recycled into construction material. With limited or no access to wood or stone, chitin and ice are the primary material used in Aselian architecture. These exoskeletons are also used in many tools and other items created in Aselian society.


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