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The eldar are an elven-dominated society that value connection to the natural world.   The eldar culture predates the Arrival and myths tell of great heroes that fought to protect the world from pollution and to bring water back to the ground. Another legend tells of the eldarians that Arrived without permission and strove to protect this new world from the evils of the old. These first eldarians did not settle in Thurid like the rest of the Arrivals and instead lived in harmony with the natural world and sought to teach others how to follow their way of life. As they were not in Thurid when it fell, the eldarians survived that calamity mostly unscathed and welcomed survivors into their villages and taught them the necessary skills to survive outside the protection of walled cities. Many of these people joined the eldar permanently and in the wake of the disaster, eldar society spread far in the forests south of Thurid.   Eldarian culture emphasises balance and harmony with the natural world. Even their largest cities blend into the surrounding terrain and include many natural spaces within their walls. Cultural celebrations center around natural events like the changing of the seasons and local festivals might occur when a common tree blossoms or loses its leaves. Eldarians value artistic efforts highly and many of Irralish's most famous painters, sculptors and musicians were raised in eldar communities.   With their long lives and innate connection to their surroundings, elves are well-regarded in eldar society and often rise to positions of leadership in eldar communities.

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