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Formians are intelligent ant-like creatures that share a hive mind and demonstrate the pinnacle of cooperation in their societies. Formians range in size from workers which are typically a metre tall and two metres long to the queens which can be as tall as giants and as long as a triceratops.
  Formians have significant genetic diversity, with each type of formian intentionally bred with features and characteristics appropriate to the functions needed by their hive. Formians have their own language based on scent glands and complex clicking sounds created with their mandibles that are difficult for most humanoids to emulate. A non-formian who learns the language can understand it, but without the biological organs to exude the proper pheremones or make the correct clicking sounds, speaking it for such creatures is generally limited to only the most basic of concepts.
  Formian hives are led by a queen whos primary purpose is identifying the upcoming needs of the hive and laying eggs that will grow into the necessary formians. Formian queens have absolute rule over their hive through the use of pheromones and their hive mind connections. Rarely do they have to force their rule however as all formians know that the hive comes first.


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