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Ghorans were created by the dragons as a nutrition-dense food source that could be quickly grown during campaigns against giants regardless of the terrain. A ghoran seed can grow in any permeable surface in which it can be buried, growing to maturity in a matter of days with a new seed contained in the fruit.
  Part of the modifications to ghoran seeds resulted in the plant developing sentience after regrowing a few dozen times. Over the centuries, ghorans adapted to replicate the bipedal forms of the creatures around them. Still afflicted by a delicious aroma that tempts creatures to eat them, ghorans have developed techniques to discourage intelligent creatures from attempting to eat them.
  Functionally immortal, a particular ghoran will continue to reform as long as its seed is not destroyed. Ghorans very rarely reproduce, the techniques to clone new ghorans having been lost with their creators. The occasional magically gifted ghoran druid or wizard may be able to seed a few new ghoran in their lifetimes. As ghoran go through their cycles memories from old lives can fade and ghorans can become unrecognisable to old acquaintances.


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