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The inezah charau-ka of southern Irralish make their homes in the branches of the boreal forest native to that region.
  High above the forest floor, tree houses are built between interwoven branches to enhance the natural strength to support dozens of charau-ka in a single house.
  Inezah tribes are highly hierarchical with physical strength being the defining trait. Some tribes determine the order through potentially lethal fights but many now use sporting feats as less lethal means of rankings. Challenges for leadership are more likely to result in lethal combat through the Rite of the Blood totem.
  Even though most tribes have a home base, they often have hunting territories that can cover over a hundred miles. When traveling, they move over 20 miles each day. Inezah charau-ka on the move are noisy. Their howls and whoops allow them to keep track of where everyone is in the canopy, set a pace, tell stories of past heroes, pray to Angazhan, and terrify their prey. When needed, the chieftain can command immediate silence.
  Inezah society places little value on craftsmanship and tend to only make simple stone an wood weapons like clubs and spears along with basic tanned armour. Any more advanced tools are scavenged from raids on the northern civilisations. Little clothing is worn as their thick hair insulates them well against the cold in all but the depths of winter. During the coldest months, they retreat to their treetop villages and remain within their insulated homes. Hides and fat from their prey are used to seal the wooden structures and keep in the warmth from their carefully controlled fires.
  The inezah have a wewll-deserved reputation for savage violence, but within Kudhia they generally follow the laws of the land and are valued members of the nation.


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