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The itarii strix of eastern Fogahral usually live in modest tribes of some hundreds of individuals or in small, tightly bonded bands except in their largest of cities which can boast thousands of itarii and other races. They use their mastery of the sky to control vast regions against their much larger saurian neighbours and the much more populous kobolds.
  Itarii settlements are very tightly-knit and every member is expected to collaborate for the community's success, prioritising the needs of the many over their individual desires. Tribes expertly divide labour as directed by their leader, the rokoa, a usually female elder. Rokoa consult a council of other warriors and spiritualists to make decisions for the entirety of the community. Settlements are based on the highest peak of the surrounding terrain with high mountains, accessible only by wing, are highly prized. Itarii living in forests build their communities around the largest trees available, and seaside dwellers prefer to nestle their dwellings along perilous cliffs.
  As a result of their community bonds, the loss of any itarii is felt in the same way as most cultures feel when they lose a close family member. Itarii funerals occupy the entire settlement and the mourning can last over a week especially when someone passes before their time.
  Itarii are typically nonreligious and instead use stories from an epic known as the Korrsat Akra, or “The Scattered Nest,” to tell them of their origins and give them direction on their current place in the world.
  Strix history and mythology is passed down through a verbal tradition that sound like songs when sung in their native tongue. Every strix, even those from different tribes, knows nearly identical tales of their ancestral history and spiritual sermons. Always performing the tales in their own language, strix share their ancestral stories only with those they consider kin. Even among outsiders, strix hold the skill of storytelling in high regard and are fond of finely performed verbal narratives. Nestling strix grow up hearing their histories sung to them as lullabies and serenades of daily life. Powerful moments are punctuated with screeches, and mournful recounts float in the air like soft cooing. One common story tells of a vengeful strix whose wings turned gloriously red, but who hid his face with a mask, ashamed of the actions that led to his glory. Another crooned to nestlings warns of a mysterious parasite that hides in filthy feathers.


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