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Kholo culture inherits many gnoll tendencies. Hardened by the challenges of surviving on Magarth, Kholans have developed a culture of pragmatism and effectiveness. A dead body is food, regardless if it was a friend in life. A victory is worthy regardless of tactics used. Honor is a quick way to a painful end.
  Alongside this harshness, kholans emphasise sustainability and are careful custodians of their territory, ensuring that no prey is hunted beyond recovery. In kholo settlements, architecture is both a vital defensive measure and also an artistic expression. The vibrant tuff stone quarried in the area has many colours and is used to build beautiful and strong buildings.
  History, especially family history, is sacred in kholo culture. Ancestor worship is common and those blessed to be able to directly speak with ancestors are highly respected. When a family member dies, their body is cleanse. After consuming the flesh, bones are claimed by relatives in order of connection to the deceased. These bones are integrated into ceremonial dress and/or consulted on topics the individual was particularly skilled in.
Encompassed species


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