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The Shemdore ghoran of Jiiral mostly live in garden villages surrounded by thorny walls to offer some additional protection from predators that would love nothing more than to consume them.
  The shemdore are mistrusting of outsiders, especially avians, but when not in danger are a lively, joyous people. Needing only sunlight, water and occasional soil, the shemdore aren't beholden to spending their days gathering food and instead put their time towards more elevated pursuits. Most settlements are in near constant festivals with bright flowers and fruiting vines woven through the buildings. These buildings are "constructed" of matted ferns, vines and trees grown into towers. A lone tower is nearly indistinguishable from the surrounding forest but a town of them dominate the area and are far from inconspicuous. Shemdores value artistic pursuits and many spend the time between festivals singing in choirs or dancing in unified choreography.
  The constant fear of predators mean that every ghoran is combat trained and are prepared to defend themselves at all times, even during celebrations.


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