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Shisk are bipeds that have evolved sharp spikes of bone protruding from their bodies. These bones developed from large feathers that once covered their bodies and are longer on their arms which once supported wings. Once flighted avians, shisk have become flightless in their isolation as the only sentient life on Tikoral.
  Shisk retain the hollow bones that once allowed them to fly. In their subtropical highland homes they tend to have dark skin shades. A shisk's eyes contract into slits in the sunlight and are typically warmly colored, from hazel and brown to more unique colors like red or amber. Shisks have two prominent narrow fangs as the front teeth on their upper jaw, causing some people to mistake them for asanbosams or vampires.
  Shisk have adapted to living in the dark of mountain tunnels and have keen eyesight even in the dark. They tend to be nocturnal to allow them to gather food without fear of reptilian predators.


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