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Shoonies are squat, furry bipedal canines with flattened faces and wet, dark eyes. Their fur can be a variety of hues and patterns, with the most common colors being fawn or black, and their loose skin gives even the fittest shoony a pudgy appearance. Shoonies have short, curly tails that sometimes wag involuntarily when the shoony is content or particularly excited or pleased. Like canines, shoonies cannot sweat; they pant to mitigate heat and exertion, and it is not uncommon to see a shoony with a perpetually lolling tongue.
  A shoony reaches maturity after just 8 to 10 years, and the elders of their villages rarely reach the age of 50. Little differentiates male and female shoonies except during the late stages of pregnancy, and as they age, both sexes develop graying facial fur, wrinkled skin, and frail joints. The average shoony is 3-1/2 feet tall and weighs 100 pounds.


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