BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Spriggans share a surprising similarity to gnomes in their physical appearance, despite not being an arrival ancestry. They resemble muted, hairless gnomes with oversized, pointed ears and an alien, feral appearance. Many of them are gaunt and haggard. Skin tones vary across all different shades of blue, from a pale sky color to a deep midnight.
  Spriggans are fey that have given up their capacity for love, happiness, beauty, really any positivity. Violence, malice, and distortion have expanded in spriggan society to fill the aching voids left behind by their ancient expunging of positivity. Today, the best a spriggan can manage in place of positive emotions is a muted satisfaction when they make another creature suffer.
  While spriggans can specialize in a wide range of skills, one feature they all share is the capacity to transform into lumbering, hulking incarnations of their normally small frames. By drawing upon the void left behind in their souls, they reflect the anger and cruelty in their minds and physically transform into giant versions of themselves akin to ogres in stature; however, this rage-induced change takes a toll on their bodies. The longer a spriggan remains in giant form, the more pain and agony they have waiting for them when, inevitably, they revert to their true size. Yet this promise of pain does not deter a spriggan from using their power to grow in size, for it’s only when they assume gargantuan proportions that they can truly feel joy and satisfaction. That spriggans feel these emotions only when they are bullying smaller creatures, fighting enemies (or even allies), or inflicting pain on victims speaks to the depths of their corruption.
  As a culture, most spriggans live for battle and constantly patrol their territories in hopes of encountering trespassers to capture and victimize. Even so, spriggans sometimes need to relax. Since they lack the capacity for pleasure, games, art, and similar leisure activities are lost on them. Instead, they fill their idle time training for combat, watching others fight to the death, crafting weapons, or plotting against their kin for personal gain.


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