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The stiol are the majority Shoony culture of Irralish found in the central savannah and grasslands west of the Kazad ranges.
  Shoony are most at home on the open plains and are well suited to these lands. Most of their settlements here are agrarian villages of several dozen homes ringed in simple palisades. Surrounding the houses, farms grow wide varieties of crops, including cultivars not found anywhere else with unique and powerful effects.
  The stiol are a peaceful people and maintain positive diplomatic relations with their dwarven and vanaran neighbours. Stiol villages trade regularly with the khazadur holds providing food in return for metal tools for fishing, hunting and farming and the occasional weapon or set of armour. Some stiol settlements have joined the nearby nations for protection against some of the more vicious uruk tribes that raid their lands.
  The stiol abhor war, but are willing to defend themselves in small-scale combat when absolutely necessary. They maintain a small but well trained militia ready to fend off dinosaurs, orcs and other dangers and to protect the land from needless damage.
  Despite their short lifespans, these shoonies are happy-go-lucky people with an irrepressible love for the land and their fellow shoonies, and remain optimistic even under the worst circumstances. The simple pleasures of living on this beautiful world, engaging in hard work, and surrounding themselves with loved ones motivate stiol to push through the hardships that all too often befall their people.


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