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Tengu are avian bipeds with sharp beaks and dark feathers. Their arms and legs are scaled and end in sharp talons. Tengu are incredibly light due to their hollow bones. Most tengu are flightless with only vestigial wings though the occasional tengu is born with the ability to train themselves for flight.
  Tengu hatch from eggs: the average tengu egg is about 11 inches in diameter and 16 inches tall and takes 4 months to hatch. They are featherless for their first year of life, during which they rarely leave home. They soon grow a downy gray coat, which is replaced by a dark covering of adult feathers by the time they come of age at around 15 years.
  Tengu have learned to use their feathers for myriad purposes including quills and clothing. Most of a tengu’s body is covered in these small feathers that range in color from dark brown and midnight blue to glossy black, with lighter colors being rare but not unheard of.
  A tengu’s speech might be punctuated by quick clucks or throaty cawing, and many tengu practice conversation diligently to rid themselves of these involuntary ticks. Rufling of the feathers and compulsive, jerky movements of the neck are other trademark habits.


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