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The ugluk are a rigidly militaristic society of hobgoblins and other goblinoids with the occasional warrior outcast from other ancestries.
  The ugluk structure their society after military hierarchies. Even civilian groups such as farming collectives or trading houses organize into regiments, companies, and divisions. Most members fixate on social status, and many constantly strive to advance their social position. Punishments are primarily social demotions, although execution or slavery are common for serious crimes, such as arson or desertion.
  Veterans hold a high place in their society, usually becoming leaders or advisors. Magic is rarely practiced and often derided, as most hobgoblins don’t trust it over the strength of their own sword arms. Their arts tend to have a military bent; many ugluk consider stirring marches and weaponsmithing the only artistic endeavors worth pursuing, though more peaceful settlements explore a wider range of artistic expression.
  Ugluk hobgoblins instinctively know the difference between a suggestion and an order and are compelled to carry out the later without hesitation or questioning. When a superior gives an order, all subordinates immediately execute it, no thought of altering it is possible.


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