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The vespo formians are a loosely connected series of hives in equatorial Jiiral. Unlike most formian hives found across Magarth, the vespo hives aren't isolated from the rest of their species.
  The vespo don't exist as a nation but instead each hive is comparable to a city state that share common cultural tendencies with their neighbours. Specific types of formians have been created that can carry out diplomacy between the hives without the queens having to expose themselves to the dangers of travel. These formian envoys can form telepathic links with other vespo envoys despite not being born from the same queen. Envoys regularly travel between hives to maintain trade relations and to coordinate military actions when faced with invasion.
  Vespo formians are fiercely loyal to their hive, even when outside of the hive mind's reach. Their lives are dedicated to supporting the hive and making it stronger and better for future generations. When working as a group, these formians are capable of performing impossible feats and have an intellect far beyond any individuals.


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