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The volar goloma of Vrarrl are an insular society that values its isolation from the dangerous creatures that might seek to conquer their lands. The volar lands are centered on the Amalek river and the lakes it feeds. Much of volar life in focused around the life-giving river.
  Volar society emphasises the protection of fear and goloma are raised to be ever-vigilant of two-eyed predators that seek to eliminate them. Volar hunting and gathering groups always have multiple look-outs and and every individual has at least two of their eyes searching for danger at all times. Paranoia is highly valued by volar and volar are ingrained with deep instincts for the best reactions to any perceived dangers. It is very hard for a non-goloma to integrate into volaran society, many of those that try are driven insane by the constant stress of fear.
  The most important god to the volar is Kalekot, the god of protective fear. Kalekot is called upon to curse those who victimize golomas, as most feel that justice can only be attained using supernatural means. When the moon Kivek rises above the southern horizon, public prayers and offerings are made to Kalekot. Volar settlements often hold those accused of crimes until the rising of Kivek when judgement can be made with Kalekot's blessing.
Encompassed species


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