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Destiny White

Destiny White is a Li-Hai Akashic Disciple and a member of the Eternity Unbound Cabal. She gives little thought to the Technocracy, The Termination, or much of the World of Darkness in general--instead, she focuses on the very real problems faced by very real people in the very real world. An almost cliched 'Crusader for Good', she can almost always be found in the worst part of town fighting for the most marginalized people. She is not naive, however, understanding the complexities of social structures in a world where a corrupt law often does far more harm than good. As such, she finds herself with many enemies, both in law enforcement and in the criminal underworld, but also with unexpected allies in each. She is a member of Spero Hall.  

Personality and Demeanor

Destiny is one of the most positive, friendly people you will ever meet--making up for lost time, she says, though she refuses to elaborate any further. She very much embodies the Li-Hai principle of chien-ai, "equal love", caring deeply and intensely for all, regardless of their relationship or value to her. That same equal love can also turn into terrifying rage in the face of those who harm or exploit the marginalized and downtrodden, and it can be unsettling how abrupt the transition can be. While she typically can harness and direct her anger in constructive ways, occasionally she will fully snap when a situation becomes dire enough, hinting at something particularly dark in her past.  

Magickal Practice

Destiny is an extremely capable, formally trained martial artist and an initiate into the Akashic secrets of Do. Much of her practice embodies traditional Akashic forms, with martial arts, meditation, bodywork, mantras and verbalizations, and traditional herbalism and medicine all being common. Beyond that, however, her Magick expresses as an extension of her morality and emotion--in fighting for those who cannot fight for themselves, she can do the impossible.   Destiny is most competent with the spheres of Life, Forces, and Mind, but is also developing her understanding Chi and the sphere of Prime. Much of her strongest Magick involves defending those who are otherwise defenseless, and turning the violence others would commit back upon them.


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