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Haley Winter

Haley Winter is a Hermetic Apprentice and a member of the Eternity Unbound Cabal. She is brilliant beyond measure, a veritable living grimoire of occult lore, and much to her apprehension, the least Magickally gifted member of Spero Hall. Her condition defies explanation--a Hermetic Mage of her educational aptitude and skill should bear puissance to match, and yet... Nothing. She regularly assists her mentor Nicholas Sainte in his duties and endeavors, often eclipsing him in raw knowledge, much to his amusement. The two hope someday to free her of her block and unlock the potential they both know she possesses.  

Personality and Demeanor

Haley's personality is strongly defined by her shakey self-esteem, tending towards quiet introversion unless directly asked for input. Once she actually starts speaking on a subject she is well-versed in (read, nearly all of them) she becomes relaxed and even excited. She does not, however, make the first move in any conversation. Her demeanor is generally serious, and she frequently takes jokes embarassingly literally--after which she tends to turn a bright shade of red and stick her foot in her mouth. She relaxes a bit around the other members of Eternity Unbound, but being around nearly any other Mage causes her to immediately retreat back into herself.  

Magickal Practice

Haley practices what can only be described as bog standard Hermetic High Ritual Magic. Unrelenting precision, flawless pronunciation, exquisite sigils and runes--all of her work is quite naturally flawless. Her Magick is never rushed or hasty, and always performed as a ritual in the controlled safety of Spero Hall.   Taking after her mentor, she very much shows an aptitude for enchantment, and much of her Magick is in the creation of various Charms and Trinkets. While she may struggle in the development of her Arete, she excels at the developing her understanding of a number of Spheres, if only to a lesser degree than others. As such, her generalism may even surpass her mentor's.


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