Thieves' Cant Language in Magic and Mysteries | World Anvil
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Thieves' Cant

  Thieves' Cant is learned by thieves and other devious folk to secretly converse about a subject, while appearing to be talking about another normal subject in the open. Normally talking about nefarious deeds wouldn't be without the fear of someone listening in and detecting mischef. Dialect, jargon and code is being used to hide the true intentions of the speakers, to most it seems like a normal conversation. It does take four times longer to converse in Thieves' Cant than speaking freely, this isn't noticeable when spoken correctly.   Thieves' Cant also covers the meaning of secret signs and symbols, these set signs and symbol are taught alongside Thieves' Cant. They are used to indicate different information about a location or area. These symbols indicates different things, like a safe house, danger, potentiel treasure, easy prey and so on. The symbol of treasure can be carved into a barrel outside a general goods store, to indicate an easy heist. A nobleman house can be marked with the sign of protection, which means it is protected by a guild.  

Geographical Distribution

  Thieves' Cant originated in the human empire in the old lands, and from there spread throughout the entire known world. Most intelligent species and races do have users of the language, mostly in secret groups or guilds. Different branches of the language does exist, but every branch has some similarities which means any user can recognize its' use. The secrecy of Thieves' Cant is held very closely to the users, since it would not hold any value as a secret language if anyone righteous would be taught.  
Common Phrases

The plums are ripe and delicious, you should buy some.
The valuables are easy pickings, you should steal them soon.

The shadows are much longer and darker in the wintertime.
Lay low until otherwise instructed.

The sheep needs shelter from the rain.
We need to have a meeting at the safe house.

Our boots are too muddy.
Split up we are being followed.

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