Magic Earth - Alternate History Urban Fantasy world

Landfill Barrier Spell

Could you imagine living next to an unshielded landfill? The smell would be unbearable
— A friend to a friend

Most people, especially those living near landfills, consider the Landfill Barrier Spell a life-saver as it blocks all of the unpleasant smells present in such places. The spell works by creating a magical dome over a landfill, trapping the smell. The main side effect of using the spell is high concentration of hydrogen sulfide and ammonia produced during the breakdown of waste. At most landfills the levels are so high that workers need to either wear protective masks or steps are taken to ensure the levels are acceptable. One of the ways of reducing the amount of hydrogen sulfide and ammonia without letting it out of the dome is collecting it into tanks and putting it into underground cisterns.


The effect of the spell is barely visible to the naked eye. A layman would only notice sparkles similar to stars above a landfill, but nothing more. They would also have no problem walking through the barrier. It only stops things that are in a gaseous state.


When casting the spell the magic-user uses their own magical energy to create the barrier. However, once the barrier is up it is linked to the magical energy of the ground and the caster isn't strained by it.


The Landfill Barrier Spell is as old as people were throwing garbage onto big piles and the odour was bothering them. Historians and archaeologists believe that the spell was first used in the first proto-cities of the Middle East and Indus Valley.

Areas interpreted as garbage dumps in Jericho, Çatalhöyük, Harappa or other proto-cities have a round shape. It might mean that they used the Landfill Barrier Spell to block the smell of garbage.
— An archaeologist
Gestures & Ritual
Drawing a circle around a landfill on a map and saying words "Aether Tholus". It is important to have a clear intent when casting the spell
Related School
Related Element
Effect Duration
Until removed by a magic-user
Effect Casting Time
Less than a minute
About 2000 square meters

Related Reading

Physical / Metaphysical Law | Nov 7, 2023

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Elemental Magic
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Dec 10, 2021 23:34 by Kaleidechse

Simple but clever! A great way of dealing with one of those problems that we tend to forget in worldbuilding.

Creator of the Kaleidoscope System and the planet Miragia.
Dec 11, 2021 07:30

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Dec 11, 2021 20:32

Ooh, this is interesting. I love it when people write about more practical uses of magic in their world.

Dec 11, 2021 20:34

Thank you

Check out the worlds of Starhome and Magic Earth
If you are looking for my Worldember articles check Magic Earth or My Worldember Progress Page
Jan 3, 2022 20:48 by Amy Winters-Voss

Great take on something so practical. I love this part especially: “once the barrier is up it is linked to the magical energy of the ground” Brilliant! Thanks for entering the WE 2021 Spell Category! Best of luck in all the categories you entered!

Author of the Liminal Chronicles urban fantasy series | Author Website
Jan 3, 2022 21:40

Thank you

Check out the worlds of Starhome and Magic Earth
If you are looking for my Worldember articles check Magic Earth or My Worldember Progress Page
Feb 5, 2022 20:19 by Amy Winters-Voss

Your article was wonderful! So I present you with the Kitsune Approved Quality Spell.

Author of the Liminal Chronicles urban fantasy series | Author Website
Feb 5, 2022 20:42

Thank you

Check out the worlds of Starhome and Magic Earth
If you are looking for my Worldember articles check Magic Earth or My Worldember Progress Page
Feb 6, 2022 08:19 by A.J. Ponder

A very useful spell. And brilliantly done. I love the archeological mention. :)

A.J. Ponder (author)