Luis Walker Character in Magic Earth | World Anvil
Magic Earth - Alternate History Urban Fantasy world

Luis Walker

Protector Luis Walker (a.k.a. Fang of Europe)

Luis Walker is a German-born Vampire who has been the protector of the Blood Council of Europe since the end of World War 2. Upon his ascension to that position, Luis was also given the title "Fang of Europe". It was the council's way of thanking him for everything he did to protect European Vampires from the nazi oppression and extermination.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Luis was born in the German Empire in the year 1900 to a modest vampire family. From the early years of his life Luis was taught that community and sticking together are one of the most important things for Vampires. He saw how his mother was preparing blood portion for all Vampires in their town. Luis' mother was one of the Vampires opposed to the idea of consuming human blood and only used animal blood. His father thought similarly, but had a few incidents when he consumed human blood. Later he claimed that the donor was willing, but the truth was never revealed.

Luis' father enlisted in the German Army when World War 1 broke out in 1914. He fought in the trenches of the western front and died there.

After the war, Luis left the family home and moved to a bigger city. Thanks to the help of the community where he grew up and some of his own work, Luis was able to go to university.

Situation started to become worse when in 1933 Adolf Hitler became the chancellor of Germany. From the very beginning Hitler's political agenda include anti-vampire slogans. As the years were going past the situation was becoming worse and worse. Gestapo and SS was conducting regular raids on places suspected to prepare blood for consumption. Humans helping Vampires were arrested while Vampires were being sent to concentration camps. Luis managed to escape to Poland and after the September Campaign of 1939 he fled to France. Later he tried to go to Great Britain, but didn't manage to find a transport. Instead, he came in contact with some French Vampires and got involved in the resistance movement. Throughout the war, Luis was in almost every place in Europe. He liberated captured Vampires, helped create safe havens and fought against vampire hunters.

After assuming the leadership of the Blood Council of Europe after the war, Luis' main goal has been to end the tense relations between Humans and Vampires.

Mental Trauma

Luis' biggest trauma comes from the time when he got captured by the Gestapo in France and almost sent to a concentration camp. He spent a week in custody and was beaten and interrogated every single day. The Gestapo wanted to know about the resistance movement. Luis didn't talk. He was freed when the truck transporting him to the train to a camp was ambushed by French Resistance.

To this very day Luis has nightmares about Gestapo and tortures.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Wants to help the community
  • Accepting of others
  • Patient

  • Vices & Personality flaws

  • Aggressive when angry
  • Stubborn
  • Species
    Year of Birth
    1900 CE 119 Years old
    Short, black
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Aligned Organization


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