Magic Earth - Alternate History Urban Fantasy world

Protection spells

Protection spells are a group of many spells used to protect things and people.

Battle Magic protection spells

  • Aegis - the simplest protection spell. It creates a magical shield that a person can hold.
  • Aegis Terrae - a modification of the Aegis spell. Instead of taking energy from the caster it takes energy from the earth and creates a shield in front of the caster. However, it lasts shortly and requires other casters to use Aegis from which it can draw energy.
  • Murus - a group of spells that create a wall in front of the caster. Regular Murus spell creates a stone wall. Saying a Latin name of one of the elements after murus creates a wall made of that element. For example, saying "Murus Ignis" creates a wall of fire.

Blood Magic protection spells

  • Bloodline protection - the only blood magic spell that wasn't banned. It creates a barrier which can be crossed only by the caster or his blood relative.
  • Lifeforce transfer - a spell that connects the caster with another person. If the caster is killed, the lifeforce of the second person is transferred to the caster. As a result, the caster lives and the second person dies.

Other protection spells

  • The line on the ground - the caster draws a line around an area. This spell can be used both to protect what is inside from the outside world and the outside world from what is inside. It is the most often used spell when summoning a demon.
  • Mind shield - protects the mind of a person from psychic attacks.
  • Invisibilis - caster is invisible for some time. He can expand the invisibility to people and things near him, but more objects he is making invisible the shorter the spell lasts.
  • Protection sigil - a sign which can be drawn on an object to protect it.


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