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Alfar, or halfling

The Alfar, commonly referred to as halflings, are a species of humanoids that are native to Southern Magnamund. While their numbers are small, they have spread across and built small settlements across both continents. They are comfortable around all other species, and are often welcome inhabitants of cities predominated by other species.
  They live in small burrows underground or small cottages. They have no major cities and as a race seem to have no ambition to create kingdoms or empires. They have mastered a number of domestic crafts and make some of the best cooks in the world.    

Hero System Statistics [5 points]

Statistic Start Adjustment Point Cost
Dexterity +1 3 pts
Constitution -2 -4 pts
Comeliness +2 1 pts
Running -1" -2 pts
Presence +2 2 pts
Statistic Maximum Adjustment Point Cost
Dexterity +3 3 pts
Strength -3 -1 pt
Constitution -2 -1 pt
Running -2" -1 pt
Description Point Cost
+2 Defensive Combat Value (due to size) 10 pts
Distinctive Feature, Alfar (due to size) -10 pts
Reputation, friendly and inoffensive 5 pts

Basic Information


An adult Alfar shares the same limb proportion as humans, but average only 3' 6" in height. They have larger than average feet for their size and often go barefoot. They are more dexterous than humans, and culturally they tend to eschew heavy armors and open conflict.

Growth Rate & Stages

Alfar age at the same rate as humans, and their age presents at the same rate.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Alfar, though half the size, consume at the rate of a full size human.  They are known for creating rich foods and culturally, mealtimes are celebrated.


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