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The small dominion of Bautar  is both a place of pilgrimage and the home of the Herbalish people who first appeared during the Age of the Old Kingdoms. It is a secluded country of hills, forest and fens, and in theirfertile and verdant nation, Bautarians enjoy an abundance of health andsafety, often living their lives without ever leaving their plenary home.This makes for a tightly woven culture witch often pays homage to pastgenerations.

Bautarians are a peace-loving people from an enlightened culture. Theyrarely seek adventure for its own sake, as they are more interested infostering a greater understanding of the power of nature. Nevertheless, assoon any threat arises, they are quick to respond.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Adelpha, Chitro, Delasa, Irsiya, Kindrah, Mhanda,Navida, Pashira, Titara, Vestina

Masculine names

Babak, Dalimor, Danash, Fennic, Firaht, Kamsada,Mithroal, Namsha, Okam, Papas, Roshna, Takhma, Tennan, Zautro


Beauty Ideals

Those of Bautarian descent are caucasian in skin tone. Their hair ranges from black to fair.

Major organizations

The Bautarian ethnicity hails almost exclusively from Bautar .
Related Organizations
Languages spoken


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