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Casiorn is a free city-state located at the crossroads of trade for Northern Magnamund. This has lead to Casiorn being a city of great wealth.

Casiorn, the City of Merchants, is an incredibly wealthy city that was once a part of the empire of Vassagonia. When they separated from Vassagonia, they were under serious treat of invasion, but once a year the High Mayor of Casiorn sends a carriage to Vassagonia and successfully buys off the invasion. This is knowns as the Black Tax.

Casiorn is built on wealth. Elections are held each year and it costs 2 crowns to purchase one vote for the year. Upon entering the city, all trade goods are taxed at a 3% rate and weapons are taxed at the rate of 1 crown apiece, armor at a rate of 4 silver. Without wealth, the populace is not of consequence. There is a large population of poor that serve in menial positions and do not enjoy any of the wealth that comes with the city.


The government of Casiorn is headed by a Prime Minister.  The Prime Minister is elected for 4 year terms.  All citizenry are allowed to vote, but votes cost 1 gold crown apiece.


For transportation, there are carriage routes established to the following locations
  • Carriages to Varetta  are available at a rate of 8 gold crowns per passenger

Points of interest

The city hosts minor shrines to dozens of gods, and major temples to Selana, Jisan and Waukeen.


For all private individuals entering town, arms and armor are taxed at the following rate.
  • Weapons larger than a short sword are taxed at a rate of 1 gold crown
  • Armor heavier than a leather vest is taxed at a rate of 4 silver lunes
Casiorn standardizes on the use of the Gold Crown.

Official Language
Sommlending Language
Vassan Language

Characters in Location


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