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Cloak of Lies

The Cloak of Lies is a highly magical artifact originating from the land of Rezovia . It was created there by the powerful magical crafters that wove many valuable threads into the fabric.

Some historians claim that the goddess Shar paid special attention during the weaving of the cloak, and that she shared some of her power. What is not in doubt, is that few can use the Cloak of Lies for any long periods of time without it impairing their sanity.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

When a user wears the Cloak, they gain the following abilities. It provides a general sense of superiority, ego and well-being.
  • Increased Stealth, +4 to Concealment and Stealth
  • Robust Ego, +4 to Intelligence, Ego, and Presence
  • Invisibility, Invisibility 1/day, 1 hour
  • Simple disguise, Shapeshift to any humanoid form, specific identity possible
  • Any disguise, Multiform to any shape 75 pts, 1/week, 5 minutes
In addition, the user suffers the following disadvantages
  • Psychological limitation, the wearer cannot make truthful statements, total
  • Psychological limitation, the wearer will not willingly give up possession of the cloak, total
Item type
Clothing / Accessory
Base Price


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