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The Shianti and human races are capable of interbreeding and creating offspring. The offspring of such a union share a blending of their human and Shianti parents. They often have slight points to their ears, and tend to be slimmer than their human counterparts.   While half-elves can be found in human settlements, they have difficulty forming long-term friendships. They often form attachments to animals and pets, reinforcing the stereotype of their elven heritage.   No Shianti would refer to them as half-Shianti.

Hero System Statistics [4 points]

Statistic Start Adjustment Point Cost
Dexterity +1 3 pts
Comeliness +2 1 pt
Statistic Maxima Adjustment Point Cost
Dexterity +2 2 pts
Comeliness +2 1 pt
Description Cost
Ultraviolet Perception 5 pts
LS: Long Lifespan 2 pts
Distinctive Feature, half-elf -5 pts
Physical Limitation, unstable aging process -5 pts

Basic Information


Half-elves have the same height as their human counterparts.  They tend to be slimmer than average for a human and have slight points to their ears.  They are slightly more dexterous than humans but have little difficulty blending into human society.

Growth Rate & Stages

Half-elves have a growth rate that varies between human and Shianti. Unfortunately, that rate of growth can vary for a specific half-elf over time. A half-elf may age at a human rate, slow down dramatically and then resume decades later. This can leave half-elves trapped in childlike bodies, or rapidly out-aging friends and family.

There does not seem to be any rhyme or reason as to when aging starts and stops for any specific half-elf. This sometimes leads to psychological difficulties and isolation as the half-elf can have difficulty finding a community

Dietary Needs and Habits

Half-elves share the omnivorous appetites of humans.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Half-elves share the Ultraviolet Perception of their Shianti parentage. Half-elves of Illthyri stock often inherit the heat sensitive vision of their forbears instead of the Ultraviolet Perception listed.


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