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Magi Magic

Magi-Magic draws upon the natural magical affinity of the spellcaster as a source of magic. The practice of spellcasting is an intuitive affair for the individual practitioner. There are volumes an libraries in existence that magi-magic practitioners use to expand their awareness, but they do not truly memorize spell fomulae. They create the formula themselves, and once learned are never forgotten. The Shianti taught the humans of Dessi this style of magic when they first arrived on Magnamund. The practice of magi-magic has since spread across both continents and far beyond Dessi.

    Once a spell is learned/created, that spell may be cast any number of times as the wizard's endurance provides.

  A beginning character that is a practitioner of magi-magic will begin with an assortment of spells as defined by their point expenditure. The number of spells as well as the power of spells a magi-magic user may wield will increase as the character spends points on crafting new spells as well as increasing the spells they already know.

Hero System Specifics

  Perk: magi-magic, 10 character points
  • This Perk represents the years of study it requires to be able to use magi-magic
Magic Skill (int), 3 character points, +1 to roll for two points
  • This Skill represents a character's ability to translate their memorization of a spell into the physical actions needed to produce the effect
Magic Multipower. The size of the multipower and slots within it are determined by the player character. This multipower represents the quantity and power of spells a wizard has learned/created. At a minimum, the multipower must have the following limitations.  
  • Magi-magic is unavailable if the wizard does not have hands free, -1/4
  • All powers within the power pool require a Magic Skill check, -1/2
  Individual spells can have any number of additional advantages and limitations representing the specific effect of the spell.   Practitioners of magi-magic may cast more than one spell within a 1/2 phase. The Magic skill role incurs a penalty of '-1' for every 10 active points of the combined active points of the spells, and an addition '-1' modifier for every spell after the first.


The study of magi-magic is so widespread that its origination as teachings of the Shianti are not well known. There are few established schools of this style outside of Dessi. Across Magnamund, one can find a number of individual practitioners that take on apprentices and teach small groups but the individualistic nature of this style does not lend itself to regimented schooling.

The Some of the most prominent wizards on Magnamund to study magi-magic are the magelords of Dessi. The most well known practitioners of magi-magic are the Dessi battle-mages.
Metaphysical, Arcane


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