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Psychometabolism Discipline

Psychometabolism consists of the ability to exert control over one's body to enable feats beyond what is normally possible. At the core, Psychometabolism is about gaining additional biological abilities. Commonly, Psychometabolists are warriors or ascetics that have mastered their bodies. Some of the possible applications include:
  • Increasing one's strength, dexterity, or any statistic beyond normal maxima
  • Hardening one's skin to the density of armor
  • Heightening one's senses to enable extraordinary perception
  • Growth of claw, fur, or other body manipulations

Once a power is learned/created, that spell may be used any number of times as the Psionicist's endurance provides.

  A beginning character that is a practitioner of Psychometabolism will begin with an assortment of psionic powers as defined by their point expenditure. The number of powers as well as the strength of those powers that a Psionicist may wield will increase as the character spends points on crafting new powers as well as increasing the powers that they already know.


Hero System Specifics

  Perk: Psychometabolism, 5 character points
  • This Perk represents the years of study it requires to be able to use psychometabolism psionically
  • If a Psionicist has purchased the Perk: Full Psionicist, the Psychometabolism Perk is unnecessary
Psionics Skill (ego), 3 character points, +1 to roll for two points
  • This Skill represents a character's ability to translate their abilities into actual physical effect
Psychometabolism Multipower. The size of the multipower and slots within it are determined by the player character. This multipower represents the quantity and strength of powers that a Psionicist has learned/created. At a minimum, the multipower must have the following limitations.
  • Effects of Power Pool limited to Psychometabolism effects, -1/2
  • All powers within the power pool require a Psionics Skill check, -1/2
Individual powers can have any number of additional advantages and limitations representing the specific effect of the spell.   Users of Psychometabolism may enable more than one power within a 1/2 phase. The Psionics skill role incurs a penalty of '-1' for every 10 active points of the combined active points of the powers, and an addition '-1' modifier for every powers after the first.
Metaphysical, Psychic


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