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Right Handed Magic

Practitioners of Right handed magic cast spells based on rigid spell formulae. The formulae for such spells is complicated enough that only a certain number of spells may be memorized at any one time, though the memorization of one spell can be changed out for another given enough time to commit the new spell to memory. It heavily endorses necromantic and summoning effects but is incapable of producing evocation effects.

  Once committed to memory, a spell may be cast any number of times as the wizard's endurance provides.

A beginning character that is a practitioner of right handed magic will begin with a spell book of 5 spells as defined by the character. The character must be able to cast the spells as defined by the mechanics below. A character increases the number of spells in their books through adventuring, looting, or purchasing as with any other commodity.


Hero System Specifics

  Perk: right handed magic, 10 character points
  • This Perk represents the years of study it requires to be able to use right handed magic
Magic Skill (int), 3 character points, +1 to roll for two points
  • This Skill represents a character's ability to translate their memorization of a spell into the physical actions needed to produce the effect
Magic Variable Power Pool. The size of the variable power pool is determined by the player character. This variable power pool represents the quantity and power of spells a wizard may have memorized at one time. At a minimum, the variable power pool must have the following limitations on the Control Cost.
  • All powers must have either Gestures or Incantations as limitations, -1/4
  • All powers within the power pool require a Magic Skill check, -1/2
  • Powers within the pool can only be changed with access to inscribed spell fomula (daily), -1/2
Individual spells can have any number of additional advantages and limitations representing the specific effect of the spell.


The study of Right Handed Magic is not so widespread due to the suspicion drawn by necromantic activities. Right Handed Magic is not intrinsically evil, but the use of necromancy and summoning magics is more widely accepted in evil cultures. Established schools of this style can be found in Darklands metropolitan areas where wealth, storehouses of spell formulae, and corpses can be used to further one's knowledge.

  Some of the most prominent wizards on Magnamund to study Right Handed Magic are the Nadziranim of the Darklords. For those aware of such things, many of the senior Nadziranim have transitioned to ethereal undead creatures.
Metaphysical, Arcane


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