Sha'ir Magic
The Sha'ir are masters of the Djinn that make their home on the elemental planes. They learn the intricacies of the agreements that the djinn made with the humans of centuries past and use them to secure their own power. They dispatch their familiars (elemental gens) to the elemental planes to draw power for their masters. These powers manifest as elemental powers matching the planes accessible by their familiar. Sha'irs utilize a wide variety of magic, though all elemental in nature.
Once a gen has transferred powers to their sha'ir, those powers may be used any number of times as the wizard's endurance provides.
A beginning sha'ir may request powers of his gen that correspond with that gen's ability to travel the elemental planes. A gen that can travel only to the elemental plane of fire, can only return powers based on that element. To expand power possibilities, a sha'ir should look to increase the Dimensional Movement power of their gen.
Once a gen has transferred powers to their sha'ir, those powers may be used any number of times as the wizard's endurance provides.
A beginning sha'ir may request powers of his gen that correspond with that gen's ability to travel the elemental planes. A gen that can travel only to the elemental plane of fire, can only return powers based on that element. To expand power possibilities, a sha'ir should look to increase the Dimensional Movement power of their gen.
Hero System Specifics
Perk: sha'ir magic, 5 character points- This Perk represents the years of study it requires to be able to summon a gen and use it to procure powers
- Extra-dimensional movement, to at least one point in one elemental plane
- This Skill represents a character's ability to translate their memorization of a spell into the physical actions needed to produce the effect
- Effects of Power Pool limited to elemental effects fetched by gen, -1/2
- All powers must have either Gestures or Incantations as limitations, -1/4
- All powers within the power pool require a Magic Skill check, -1/2
- Powers within the pool can only be changed with the sunrise, 1/day, -1/2
The study of sha'ir magic is almost completely isolated to the country of Vassagonia and the Sadi desert in Southern Magnamund. More open-minded sha'irs explain this by theorizing that the great deserts are closer to the elemental planes. There are no established schools of this style outside of Vassagonia, and even Vassagonian schools are always limited to less than ten students.