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Waykeeper is a sentient magical blade dedicated to safeguarding Magnamund from entities from the Daziarn.  It is hostile versus any entities from the Daziarn, regardless of the entity's intent.  It may delay attacking an extraplanar entity, but will always be hostile.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Waykeeper's appears as a standard longsword with some small magical effect :
  • Str min 13, 1d6+1 HKA
  • 8 Body, 8 DEF
  • +1 OCV
As a free-willed entity, it has the following abilities
  • Mindlink 1 person only, only on wielder
  • Mind Control 10d6, 3/day, only against wielder
  • Detect entities from the Daziarn, 14-
In the presence of entities from the Daziarn, Waykeeper enjoys the following beneifts
  • +1 DC versus entities of undead nature
  • +2 DC versus entities of elemental nature
  • +3 DC versus entities of extraplanar nature
  • Upon a successful melee attack, 1/day, extraplanar movement, usable against others, only to target's home plane
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Current Holder


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