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Solist Recovers His House Sigil

Criminal Activity


Solist D'talak requests that he The Loser's Club assist him in recovering his House Sigil from the Spider Marks . They attack the guild's base, killing most of the members, and recover Solist's House Sigil from the guild leader.

As a displaced Drow Empire noble, Solist D'talak found refuge with the Spider Marks criminal gang.  As a price for their protection, he bartered away his House Sigil.

When he returned to Undraeth in MS 4458, he contacted the Spider Marks for assistance in infiltrating the town.  He met with them a number of times, bartering gold and goods for information about Undraeth under Khalis Shizbahn 's rule.

After a week of contact, he requested the return of his sigil from their leader.. The gang leader denied him, and threatend that if he should ever return that the gang would end him.  Solist D'talak requests that the The Loser's Club assist him in recovering his House Sigil from the Spider Marks . They attack the guild's base, killing most of the members, and recover Solist's House Sigil from the guild leader.

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The Loser's Club History