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Satyrs, also known as fauns or Free Folk, are raucous Fey that delight in singing, dancing, feasting, and debauchery. They can be found frolicking in the Wild Lands, driven by their curiosity and hedonism in equal measure.  
Filled with life, forever seeking the finest art, the most delicious food, always at the center of the party, and endlessly searching to see every beautiful thing in the world, yes, if there ever truly was someone who managed to do it all, it would be a Satyr.
  Originating in the Feywild - a realm of pure emotion - Satyrs thrive on the energy of merriment. The magic of the fey realm has given them an innate ability to perform, to delight, and to resist magical intrusion. Since the collapse of the Feywild, Satyrs have integrated fully into society where they seek to bring a bit of their home plane’s splendor.   Satyrs have a well-earned reputation for their good spirits, gregarious personalities, and love of revels. Most Satyrs are driven by simple desires, to see the world and to sample its every pleasure. While their spontaneity and whimsy sometimes put them at odds with more stoic peoples, Satyrs rarely let the moodiness of others hinder their own happiness. Life is a blessing from the gods, after all, and the proper response to such a gift, as far as most satyrs are concerned, is to accept it with relish.   Satyrs crave the strongest drink, the most fragrant spices, and the most dizzying dances. A Satyr feels starved when they can't indulge themselves, and they go to great lengths to sate their desires. Satyr stomachs are much stronger than those of Humans, and it is said their food is so spicy it can kill a man at ten paces. Satyrs allow no festivity to pass them by and will partake in any holiday they've heard of.   Often thought to be perpetually inebriated on drink and pleasure, many think Satyrs give no thought to the consequences of their hedonistic lifestyle. Those who have come to know Satyrs however, will tell you that drink and revels are only some of the pleasures Satyrs seek, and that many also pursue the finer arts. It is not uncommon to find a young Satyr trying to sneak into a private garden, nor is it all too surprising to find a Satyr's house to be covered floor to ceiling in extravagant artworks.

Basic Information


Satyrs resemble slightly stocky humans with furry lower bodies and cloven hooves similar to that of goats. Satyrs have pointed ears similar to an elf - although some have been known to have ears like that of a goat - and horns that vary from small stubs about two inches long to large and curled ram's horns that protrude about two feet from their head. Their hair ranges from the more common brown to hues of reddish orange and the rare white. The males usually sport bushy beards, or at least a goatee. Satyrs' eyes are usually blue or brown, however some satyrs have yellow eyes that resemble a goat's. They are relatively short, around 5 ft.

Genetics and Reproduction

Satyrs are capable of having children with most any humanoid creature, such children are often born a mix of the two races.

Growth Rate & Stages

Satyrs reach maturity at age 20 and can live to be up to 500.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Satyrs posses the average senses of any humanoid, although they are rumored to be able to hear a party several towns over.
Scientific Name
Faeus Satyrini
Satyrs hail from the Feywild, but have been living in the Material Plane since long before the collapse of the Feywild.

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