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Aurora Serpent

  Classification: Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Reptilia   Physical Characteristics:    The Aurora Serpent is a unique and enigmatic species that is found in the Elemental Chaos of the D&D universe. It is an elongated, snake-like creature that is made up entirely of magnetic energy, which creates auroras throughout its otherwise invisible body when it moves. These auroras give the serpent a dazzling and almost ethereal appearance, and have made it a popular target for collectors and hunters.   Diet:    Aurora Serpents are known to feed exclusively on metallic ferrous objects. They are able to detect these materials through the changes they cause in the magnetic field of the surrounding environment, and are able to use their magnetic energy to attract them to their jaws. This makes them especially dangerous to metallic creatures and objects, as they are able to consume them with ease.   Reproduction:    Aurora Serpents reproduce in a unique and mysterious way. Unlike most creatures, they do not lay eggs or give birth to live young. Instead, they are capable of creating new individuals through a process of magnetic energy transfer. This process involves two creatures of the same species coming into close proximity and exchanging magnetic energy, which then condenses and solidifies into a new individual. This process can only occur under specific conditions, such as during aurora displays, and is thought to be triggered by changes in the magnetic field of the surrounding environment.   Conservation Status:    Aurora Serpents are considered to be endangered due to overhunting, especially by the Gnomish airships which use the creatures to power their ships. This hunting has caused their numbers to decline significantly, and it is thought that they may soon become extinct in the wild. Despite this, attempts are being made to protect and conserve this unique species, including breeding programs in captivity.   Habitat:    Aurora Serpents are native to the Elemental Chaos, where they thrive in the chaotic and ever-changing environment. However, in recent years some of these creatures have slipped through portals to the Material Plane, where they have been overhunted for their ability to power Gnomish airships (This is why another name for them is Magnetic Coil). As a result, they are now considered a threatened species in the Material Plane.   Ecology:    The magnetic energy that makes up the Aurora Serpent is thought to be connected to the chaotic and ever-changing nature of the Elemental Chaos. This connection gives the species a unique and unpredictable quality, making it a valuable source of power for the Gnomish airships. Despite this, the loss of the species is a blow to the ecosystem of the Elemental Chaos, and its extinction would be a tragedy for the world of Majara.


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