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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Everlight, Dawnflower, Healing Flame, Redeemer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

In the West, across Varisia, the Dawnflower is known through the lens of Shelyn – the beauty and the dance of flame, the vibrant brush stroke of dawn. Her holy places are campfire clearings, where you can wake with first light. In the hotter regions south of the Inner Sea, the Healing Flame is the everpresent sun, the reminder that we all survive by its heat even while we may die by it – that something can be both dangerous and vital, healing and harming, is symbolic of the duality in each of us and in each of our actions. Her holy places are oases, sources of shade and water, maybe food or trade if it’s large enough. Both of these settings for her worship encourage trust and welcome of newcomers...both are open to the air, unprotected.   In Ustalav , the Everlight is a reminder that whenever things may seem grim, there will still be a source of light somewhere. Either you find it, or you strike it yourself, or if all else fails…well, you believe that she’ll find you in the end. The Redeemer is this philosophy internalized – that there is something worth coming to find. That there is something worth redeeming. Sarenrae means Hope. In yourself, in others, in circumstances beyond our control – which, in this world, is too many circumstances. Holy places here are generally smaller, quieter places…usually involving candles and mirrors. There is even a saying you might hear, “If you can’t be the candle, be the mirror.” If you don’t have the fuel or the spark to brighten up the place yourself, then you find someone who does and you help them.   Most other places in the world, you’ll hear them talk about Sarenrae’s appreciation for creatures with a connection to the sun – the cold-blooded snakes and lizards who bask in her heat for their own energy, roosters crowing as the sun rises, that sort of thing. Which is fine and true, if rather obvious. In Ustalav, however, they know who she really looks out for – prey. The deer who herd up for the winter, brave it and survive regardless of cold or wolves. The squirrels who spend all year preparing for the worst. Rabbits and hares of all kinds and climes, but especially the hare who jumps into the fire.   When Sarenrae favors weapons at all, it is to render the swiftest justice possible and not to maim or to torture. She’s associated with scimitars in the deserts of Garund, but in Avistan you’ll just as likely find rapiers – they can be used to parry without attack, and strike sharp when they do. She won’t look quite as kindly on a shield – if you’re willing to draw another’s blood then you must be equally willing to risk your own. You must be that certain.

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