Abyss Clam

Abyss Clams are an aquatic creature from the elemental Plane of Water. They are rare in Malgrave, only found where the largest tears into the Plane of Water are or were.



Said to have come directly from the Elemental Plane of Water, Abyss Clams are much larger than even Giant Clams. 15-20ft at their longest, their shell is incredibly tough, giving them few natural predators. Aquatic races can use the entire clam on the few occasions they manage to successfully harvest them. The shells can be carved into beautiful and powerful armor. The meat is rich in flavor and can provide for several families. Perhaps the most sought after thing about them is the enormous pearls they produce, often of more rare or extravagant colors. These can range from the size of a fist to a dragon egg depending on how long they’ve developed.


Abyss Clam
Huge Beast
110HP AC20
Speed: 10ft Swim: 10ft
Blindsight: 20ft
Resistances: slashing and piercing damage
Waterbreathing: This creature cannot survive outside of water longer than 4 hours.
Str 23(+6)
Dex 5(-3)
Con 20(+5)
Int 1(-5)
Wis 10
Cha 2(-4)
Foot: +10 melee (10ft reach) 1d12+6
Clamp: +10 melee 2d12+6 damage
A large or smaller creature must succeed a DC16 Strength Saving Throw or be restrained. A creature restrained suffers 1d12+6 bludgeoning damage at the start of each of their turns while restrained and starts to suffocate. (Con modifier number of turns (min 1) before they go unconscious). As an action, a creature can make the saving throw again to break free. Any creature that goes unconscious is released at the start of the Abyss Clam’s turn. The Abyss Clam can only clamp down on one creature at a time and must release them before clamping onto another.
Silt Cloud:reaction
The Abyss Clam releases a jet of water at the ocean bed, pushing sediment from inside its shell and kicking up a cloud of silt, obscuring a 40ft diameter area. Simultaneously pushing with its one foot, the combined force of the jet and foot uncontrollably launches the Abyss Clam 40ft in a random direction. The Silt Cloud lasts 1d4 rounds and all creatures within are considered blinded. A successful Perception Check of DC13 will know the general direction the Abyss Clam went on the first turn, but the check is made with disadvantage.  


It is unknown how long abyss clams have been in Malgrave, as the waters were uninhabitable for a long period of time. When Merfolk, Sea Elves and Tritons began making their homes under the waves and started fighting back the beasts from the Plane of Water, they were already there. It was noticed that only one or two a year would come through the tears before they shrank at the turn of the Age of Tranquility. Currently, they have been hunted to near extinction on Malgrave and haven't come through the Plane of Water in nearly 200 years by the time the Undesirables ventured to the depths of the oceans.


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