
Alraune are fey creatures that have slowly spread across Malgrave from the Feywild. They are still mostly found near rifts to the Feywild and around graveyards on the material plane



Alraune are plant-like fey creatures. They look like beautiful elvish women standing in a pool of nectar at the center of a large flower. Their eyes are typically a solid color, but with an allure that makes it easy to get lost in them. The skin of the woman in the center of the flower is usually a shade of green and their hair usually matches the color of the petals of the flower. Their legs are actually fused to the inner part of a hidden pitcher plant type chamber underground. Using a burst of pollen and pheromones, they lure prey to them, enticing them with the beautiful figure at the center. Once in the pool of nectar, the alraune will open the pitcher part of the flower, sucking the victim down into the depths to be digested. When sleeping or digesting, they will close the flower surrounding them for protection.


Large Fey
186HP AC18
Speed: 0
Blindsight: 20ft
Immunities: charm and sleep
Languages: Understands Sylvan and Druidic, but cannot speak.
Str 18(+4)
Dex 1(-5)
Con 16(+3)
Int 15(+2)
Wis 15(+2)
Cha 23(+6)
On each of its turns, the alraune makes three vine attacks or Withdraws
Vines: +12 melee (20ft reach) 2d12+4 bludgeoning
(varient) Thorn Vines: +12 melee (20ft reach) 2d12+4 piercing damage plus 2d8 poison damage (DC16 Con save to half poison damage).
A large or smaller creature must succeed a DC16 Strength Saving Throw or be restrained and pulled into base contact with the Alraune. A creature restrained suffers 1d12+6 damage at the start of each of their turns while restrained. As an action, a creature can make the saving throw again to break free.
When an alraune starts its turn with one or more creatures standing in the pool of nectar, they may swallow up to three creatures of medium or smaller size as a free action. At the start of each of a swallowed creature's turns, they take 5d8 acid damage. While swallowed, the creaure counts as Blind, Deaf and follows rules for underwater combat. If the alraune takes 15 slashing or piercing damage from a single attack from a swallowed creature, they are able to cut themselves free. It takes half of the creature's movement to pull themselves out of the nectar pool.
When an alraune first emerges from its blossoming flower after it has been closed, she releases a burst of pollen and pheromones. Each creature within 30ft of the alraune must make a DC18 Charisma Saving Throw or be Charmed. A charmed creature cannot make and actions or bonus action except the Move action. Their movement is reduced to 10ft and must spend their turn moving closer to the alraune. At the end of each of their turns, the creature may make the save again to remove the effect. A creature that has passed its saving throw is immune to alraune pheromones for the next 24 hours.
An alraune may spend its turn to withdraw. The flower petals close around the humanoid figure. The alraune's Armor Class increases to 25, it gains 50 temporary Hit Points and is granted the benefits of full cover. If the 50 Temporary Hit Points are depleted, the petals are too damaged to cover the alraune further. Its AC reverts to normal and is no longer in cover. It cannot withdraw again until it regrows its petals after a long rest.


Created by creatures in the Unseelie Court, these predatory plants were left in certain areas to lure trespassers to their death. The nature of an alraune makes it not loyal to their former masters though, more concerned with feeding than taking sides. Thus they have started to grow wild, spreading slowly across the Feywild until they eventually started growing in Malgrave. Many parts can be used to create potions, specifically the roots and fruit that they sometimes bear. They are used as ingredients in Love Potions and as fertility potions, though the risk rarely outweighs the reward.
Some can be grown as a domestic addition to a garden as a protective measure, but the risk is letting this creature go hungry, as their prefered meal is always humanoids. Many that have thought they could tame these deadly flowers have gone missing, never to be seen again.


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