Blood Demon

Blood demons are a lesser fiend that inhabits the body of a host, generally someone whom has made a deal with them.



Blood demons are rarely outside a host body. When they are, they are pools of blood or a red mist floating through the air. They cannot survive long outside of a host, so they are eager to make a deal with their next as soon as their previous dies.
There are telltale signs someone is host to a blood demon. Often their eyes remain bloodshot, even when they haven't been exposed to any other conditions that would cause it. When wounded, the host does bleed, but it never drips from the body. It instead seems to snake around the area or try to draw itself back into the body.


Blood demons do not fight on their own and instead use the host. They do provide a +5 bonus to the host's Strength, Consitution and Charisma ability scores.
They also bestow Darkvision for 120ft to their host.
When in danger, the blood demon will attempt to take over the host, preferring to keep the one they have rather than trying to find a new one. The host must make a DC18 Charisma Saving Throw or be completely possessed and under the control of the blood demon.


Early history and supposed creation

It is said that weaker demons that were afraid to return to the abyss found a way to leave behind their bodies when destroyed on the Material Plane. Unable to survive long, they tempted mortals into allowing them to take up residence inside their bloodstream. Absorbing their host's blood, they can no longer be separated or the host will die, thus forcing them to cooperate with the demon's wants and demands.


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