Feral Draconians

Feral Draconians are Dragonborn that had their eggs subjected to an altered version of the ritual that turns them into Draconians.
Unlike their Draconian counterparts, they do not immolate in death throes when brought down, but their minds are dulled.



To the untrained eye, Feral Draconians look like normal Dragonborn. The most noticeable difference that anyone can pick up on is their colors are muted and dull. This is most apparent in Gem and Metallic Dragonborn, looking opaque or tarnished respectively. While it does stand out, this is a normal condition Dragonborn can have depending on their mental health or emotional state. Similarly, they do not have the longer, 'dreadlock' flexible scales coming from their heads. Not all Dragonborn do either, but no Draconian, feral or otherwise, has these hair resembling scales.
What can only be noticed by Dragonborn is a difference in nose ridge that indicates a high bite capacity and thicker scales give them a tougher hide. Their musculature varies, but whether lithe or bulky it is extremely dense and powerful. Overall, they have a very primitive look in the eyes of other Dragonborn and draw curious looks from them.


Feral Draconian
Humanoid (Dragonborn)
178HP 16AC
Speed: 40
Str 17(+3)
Dex 17(+3)
Con 18(+4)
Int 1(-5)
Wis 12(+1)
Cha 1(-5)
  Elemental Resistance Select one Dragonborn type to be the base of the Feral Draconian. This creature gains resistance to the damage type of the breath weapon.
  Attacks: 2 claw attacks and 1 bite or 2 claw attacks and 1 Elemental Breath
  • +8 to hit Claw 2d6+5
  • +8 to hit Bite 2d10+5

Elemental Breath: 30ft Line 3d10 damage. DC15 Dex save to halve damage. The damage type matches the Feral Draconian's Elemental Resistance.
Reaction: Tail Parry- Use reaction to add +5 to AC against a single enemy. As part of the reaction, the Feral Draconian may slam its tail into any adjacent enemy.
Tail Attack Melee +8 1d8+5 bludgeoning damage


Early history and creation

The Draconian Corruption Ritual was lost long ago to the world of Malgrave. All 15 of the major clans of Dragonborn banded together to destroy all written copies and hunt down those with the knowledge of it. In 122 AT, in a search in the Greymist Mountains, Borya Blüdkov found a mirror that contained an erinyes. In boredom, the devil offered suggestions of rituals once used to make powerful soldiers. It intrigued General Arseny Vadima enough to make a minor deal with this ancient devil for these rituals, thus bringing the knowledge of the Draconian Corruption Ritual back into the world. Going around the world and stealing Dragon and Dragonborn eggs, General Vadima began tainting these eggs to create an army of powerful soldiers. Dissatisfied with the Draconians free will and the volatile death throes they had, he began making alterations to the ritual. It took several attempts, but he managed to enhance just the strength and speed of the creatures and supplimenting a Feeblemind spell rune on his first subjects. The ritual has since been perfected, in his eyes, to no longer need this extra measure, resulting in dangerous creatures with no morals and perfect obediance that can pass as normal people in most of the world.

Additional History

In a mockery of the valor the Metallic Dragonborn have always stood for in Malgrave, the first Feral Draconians were one from each of the major clans. They were used in both the Evertwilight and the northwest region of the Maracia Trade Alliance to devastating effect, wiping out several tribes of Duskmen and villages in Maracia. The five of them were eventually subdued and freed from the Feeblemind curse by the Undesirables at the behest of Sivak Gol'rotta. They have since been returned to their original home clans and are undergoing recovery and healing, though it is unknown how many more like them are out there.


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