Garth Darros

Garth Darros is a human gladiator who appears in the Undesirables Campaign as an NPC. He is played by I.W.



Garth is an impressive and imposing figure, towering over most other humans and several other races normally averaging larger height. Broad and muscular, he is an intimidating force. He has short, tusseled brown hair and dark eyes that both seem lifeless and filled with a bloodthirsty craze. Wearing a set of green tinted scale mail armor and carrying a shield and spear, he looks at home in an arena.


People of his past will tell you that Garth was a boastful and confident man, reveling in his undefeated streak in the Turtledome Arena. At some point, he started becoming derranged and erratic. He would lash out violently and seemed to be in intense distress if he went a day without killing someone. It is unknown if the influence of the Death Cultist, Riskel, exacerbated this situation or was purely drawn to it.



Garth Darros was born and lived in Two Ports. He went Undefeated for seven years in the Turtledome Arena before a sudden shift in his behavior started. As he became more aggressive and ruthless, he began breaking the rules of the arena. Continuing fights after a surrender or defeat of an opponent, he started inflicting serious injuries to other combatants. eventually, he killed an opponent in the ring, getting him banned and a bounty placed on his head. He welcomed the challenge and slaughtered all that came for him. A half-orc cultist of Death, Riskel, found him and offered her cult and expertise to keep his growing bloodlust satisfied. They would raid and pillage for the next four years, traveling west until they came to the village of Westerlose in early 156AT. There, they turned an abandoned fort into their base and a personal arena for Garth, hoping the call for aid would bring more adventurers and lawkeepers to meet their end at his blade.

Against the Undesirables

In late spring of 156AT, the fresh band of adventurers, the Undesirables, came to answer that call for aid. Systematically over three days, they dismantled all of Garth's bandits and cultists. They took him on in his arena, dealing a devastating blow, only to watch him rise again as a fully awakened Avatar of Death. The fight continued until they managed to bring him down a second time, making sure he was indeed dead and burning his body to make sure he wouldn't come back again.


Riskel the Doomsayer

A half-orc woman drawn to Garth for his widespread carnage. She was the main leader of the Deathcallers Cult and bandits that followed him, though insisted she was doing all in his name. It is said that Garth's unhinged and violent tendancies increased dramatically with her whispers in his ear, though there were several cracks in their relationship toward the end as he started to grow agitated with her suddenly before the end of his life.

Kearynn Colburn

Garth is responsible for the death of Kearynn's husband and father of her unborn child. Due to her status as a former Order of the Silver Lance knight, he would continuously throw this in her face to goad her into challenging him in the arena. Even with his reputation, few were confident in what the result would be, suggesting this to be the reason Garth was obsessed with challenging her.

Character Information


The Undesirables were hired to eliminate or drive out Garth and his followers from Westerlose.


  • Garth's name is engraved into the Wall of Champions at the Turtledome Arena.
  • The Aspect of Death left his body once he was dead and attached to Sivak Gol'rotta. His memories echo in some of her dreams.

Notable Items

  • Adamantine Scale Mail Armor : Taken by Sivak Gol'rotta


  • "We settle this in the arena. One on one. Warrior to warrior. As the gods intended."
  • "Your heads will all be fine trophies! I haven't had a fight like this in years!"
Character Type
Non-Player Character
  Date of Birth
Illimis, 119AT
  Date of Death
Polan 28th, 156AT (Run through by Tolliver Brambleheart)
Killed in Westerlose at Fort Hoyt   Birthplace
Two Ports


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