
Species are a type of fey being similar to dryads, nymphs and naiads. Like the other two, they are very shy, however, they tend to lash out rather than hide when spotted. Iele also take after nymphs in that they can remove someone's ability to speak, silencing them in a similar way nymphs can blind people.



Iele take the form of a beautiful elvish woman, sometimes with gossamer wings, and are often nude. Their bodies can be corporeal or appear to not be. While ghostly and translucent, they remain fully tangible to those that can get close enough to touch them. Whether or not they have wings, they can fly and at high speeds if they wish. While they dance, their footprints are scorched into the ground as a hint of flame can be seen each time a foot is placed down. Their hair is long and wild as if windswept, falling to just cover their chests enough for some hint of modesty at all times.


Medium Fey
Hit Points (43 hp)
Speed 30 ft. Fly 60 ft.
Armor Class: 17
Str 10 (+0)
Dex 17 (+3)
Con 12 (+1)
Int 16 (+3)
Wis 17 (+3)
Cha 19 (+4)
  Breathtaking Song This ability affects all humanoids within 30 feet of am iele. Those who hears an iele must succeed on a DC 17 Charisma saving throw or become mute permanently as though by the Silence spell. An iele can suppress or resume this ability as a free action.
Unearthly Grace An iele adds her Charisma modifier as a bonus on all her saving throws, and as a deflection bonus to her Armor Class. (The statistics block already reflects these bonuses).
Speak with Beasts and Plants The iele can communicate with beasts and plants as if they shared a language.
Magic Resistance The iele has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Resistances Fire Damage
Innate Spellcasting The iele’s innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15). The iele can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:
At will: produce flame
3/day each: Faerie Fire, Burning Hands
1/day each: Aganazzar's Scorcher, pass without trace, Flaming Sphere
Dagger Melee Weapon Attack: +3 reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d4+3) piercing damage
Fey Charm The iele targets one humanoid or beast that she can see within 30 feet of her. If the target can hear the iele, it must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or be magically charmed. The charmed creature regards the iele as a trusted friend to be heeded and protected. Although the target isn’t under the iele’s control, it takes the iele’s requests or actions in the most favorable way it can.   Each time the iele or its allies do anything harmful to the target, it can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success. Otherwise, the effect lasts 24 hours or until the iele dies, is on a different plane of existence from the target, or ends the effect as a bonus action. If a target’s saving throw is successful, the target is immune to the iele’s Fey Charm for the next 24 hours.   The iele can have no more than two humanoids charmed at a time.


Iele are fey creatures that have been debated for a long time over whether or not they are Seelie or Unseelie. While that line is constantly blurred for almost all fey already, they have a history of being spiteful and vengeful to mortals that happen upon them. It is said that they brought dancing to the fey who would eventually share it with the world. This upset them, as it was something they thought special and shared to only those they trusted. Betrayed, the recluse themselves from other fey and take drastic measures when they think they're being spied upon.
The heat and fire they produce while dancing scorches the area around them, making it so that nothing grows in their footprints for a very long time. When grass does grow back, it is usually a reddish color and mushrooms tend to thrive better in these areas. This has led to the belief that many fairy circles are iele dance sites.


While many think them to be solitary, iele are usually in groups or two to five, with the bravest being the one to approach if they do so in a friendly manner. This is not often, as they are distrustful and have bad tempers due to feeling betrayed by the other fey creatures. Adopting a vengeful outlook, they tend to be cruel to other creatures besides other iele, though if someone does manage to get close enough to gain their trust, they are treated like one of their own.


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