Mesmerism Moth

Mesmerism Moths are a species of large moth found in the deep forests of Malgrave. They are sometimes kept as familiars and pets by certain practitioners of magic.



Roughly the size of a hawk, these moths boast a wingspan of almost five feet across. The patterns on the wings are striped in various iridescent colors that shimmer when fluttering its wings. When its wings are fully extended, there are large circles on them that look like eyes. Besides the spectacular size and colors, they otherwise resemble regular moths.


Mesmerism Moth
Small beast
  Armor Class 11
Hit Points 12
Speed 25 ft. fly 30 ft.
  STR 10(+0)
DEX 12(+1)
CON 10(+0)
INT 3(-4)
WIS 10(+0)
CHA 14(+2)
  Skills Perception +2, Stealth +3
Darkvision 60 ft
Antennae The giant moth has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
Cause Fear As an action, the Mesmerism Moth can fully unfurl its wings and expose the eye circles. Any creature that can see must succeed a DC12 Wisdom Saving Throw or be Frightened. The save can be repeated at the end of each of the frightened creature's turns.
Hypnotic Wings 1/day each: As a defense mechanism, a Mesmarism Moth can flutter its wings to try and escape. One of two effects happens when it does so
  • Hypnotic pattern Any creature within 20ft of the moth must succeed a DC12 Saving Throw or be under the effects of a Hypnotic Pattern spell.
  • Sleep Any creature within 20ft of the moth must succeed a DC12 Saving Throw or be under the effects of a Sleep spell.


Early history and supposed creation

It is said that Mesmerism moths were created by one of the Seelie Court Fey as a minor defense into their realms. Regular moths subjected to faerie magic until they gained magical properties, they are good for minor creatures and some inexperienced adventurers that wander too far into areas they shouldn't. There are rumors going around that the Fey creature that created the Mesmerism Moths is now powerful enough to be considered an Archfey. The appearance of these moths seems to confirm it, as they are much more abundant in certain areas of the Feywild.


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