Praetorian Guard

Praetorian Guards are the personal bodyguards of the Praetors and Praetoras of the fifteen major dragonborn clans.   Here is additional summary info about their importance.


The praetorian guards are considered the elite warriors of a clan. They are not shared between the two clan leaders, rather, each personally selects their own guards. Traditionally, the number ranges from three to twelve, depending on the size of the clan or the needs of the leaders. One that is more concerned for their safety will often have the maximum number protecting them. They typically will hold loyalty solely for their charge, even above the rest of the clan. Because of this unique position, they do have the authority to override any decision their praetor or praetora makes if it directly calls their safety into question This comes from their primary orders of keeping their leaders alive. Any other order will be obeyed without question.   There is a lot of prestige to being selected to be a praetorian guard, which is why they all take their duties seriously. Some of the wiser praetors and praetoras take their selection a step further and gather clan members that see a good future in the direction their leaders wish to take them. These individuals take their loyalty to a new level, as they believe it is their duty to ensure that those visions become a reality.   One of the other perks granted to the praetorian guards is access to resources generally restricted to average clan members. One of which is the honor of being presented with war drakes if the need them and have proven they are capable of taming their own.

Notable Guards by Clan

  • Clan Pral: Commander Hei'veth for Pral Praetor Ja'bwol
  • Clan Kapak: Commander Zah'nal for Kapak Praetora Kor'lione
  • Clan Aussir: Commander Qi'do-ahn for Aussir Praetora Sor'hadlah


The praetorian guards became a necessity during the Age of Beginnings. With war and turmoil an ever constant, great leaders were constantly being replaced, making it difficult for the dragonborn to stay organized and to keep moving forward. The change in leadership was not always for the better, and so the most powerful warriors would follow the current one to ensure their survival and, by extention, the survival of the clan. As the world became more hospitable, the need was not nearly as great, and so the praetors would select a few, rather than all volunteering, to better spread their fighters to where they were needed. This would eventually become a tradition that would persist in all clans through the rest of history.


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Aug 12, 2024 18:05 by Marjorie Ariel

I like the idea of picking people who are not only loyal to the leaders, but to the possible future those leaders represent.

Aug 15, 2024 20:21

Thank you! I wanted to give them a deeper reason to be loyal than just duty and prestige