Sisters of the Sea Organization in Malgrave | World Anvil

Sisters of the Sea

The Sisters of the Sea is a pirate guild of nearly all female sailors. They are primarily located out of Raider's Rest and are seen throughout the open waters.  


Captained and crewed completely by women with an exception here or there on a few of their ships, the Sisters of the Sea are some of the most ruthless and dangerous pirates in Malgrave. While they don't travel as a fleet, they will often pair up for larger attacks or to hunt ships one might have a vendetta against. Each captain has their own flag or banner, and not a uniform one for the fleet. They do, however, all contain the triple moon symbol in some aspect of the design. Each ship and their crew is also independant of the rest, but with the expectation of loyalty and comradery between the crews that share the symbol and there are extreme consequences for those that use the symbol without actually being part of the fleet. Even the ships are of different size and cultural make, adding to the dangerousness of the group as there's no way to tell until it's too late.   They do, however, seem to adhere to a code. Whether it's the same code as other pirates or if it's solely their own is unknown, but there is a sense of honor and fair play. They have also been known to show mercy to those who comply with their demands or surrender. Captives who no longer have a ship are given the opportunity to be safely brought to a friendly port so long as they trust they will not cause problems for them in the future.   Song seems to be an important part of the Sisters of the Sea. Whatever scale of talent they have, each learns a set of songs and an entire ship will often sing together both on shore leave and in battle. It is believed to have been started as a scare tactic, though many believe it is more like a ghost story as the only ones who speak of it were those captured and set free.   A unique practice they have adopted is their burial at sea, specifically for their captains. All members of the Sisters of the Sea will come to sing a dirge while the captain is lovingly wrapped in their flag, their weapon in their hands and weighted with the captain's favorite treasures. Their first mate will place two coins over her captain's eyes and give a final embrace before finishing the wrap. The captain will then be gently lowered into the sea and released. While similar to other cultures, it is with a reverence that people do not expect from pirates.


  • Siren's Song
  • Second Christen
  • Red Rise
  • The Longtail
  • The Crow's Flock
  • The Raven's Stock
  • Mischief's Wing
  • The Black Cat
  • Under Rung
  • The Bad Banana
  • The 13th


Tired of being rejected from becoming members of a crew, the daughters of the pirates of Raider's Rest, illegitimate or otherwise, decided to band together to become their own crew. They thought it unfair that they longed for the open waters and had sailing and the sea in their veins, but the captains were too afraid to take them on for fear of bad luck. Under the leadership of Penelope "Bad Penny" Calhoun, the young women saved and bought a ship together. Now Captain, Penelope emphasized the importance of strategy and tactics in a fight as most they would encounter would be stronger or more experienced than they were.   Their first few ventures were successful but always came at a huge cost in life. To keep spirits up, Captain Calhoun would sing to her crew as they sailed. Each time they would dock, more young women would apply, eager to go on their own adventures rather than be trapped on the small island nation. It didn't stop the other captains from pointing out that their ship was nothing but bad luck, trying to discourage them from setting out every time so that they would stop throwing their lives away. Seeing the effect her songs had on moral, Captain Calhoun made it a point to continue singing for her crew to counter the doubts the other captains had put into their heads. This led to their first major victory. A merchant ship heard her voice on the wind and came to investigate, only to be attacked by the surprised pirates. While the ship sank, they successfully commandeered the merchant ship and sailed back to Raider's Rest with their prize.   Inspired by the success, many more of the island's young women came to join the crew. Quickly running out of places on her own roster, but with more riches than she had ever expected to gain, Captain Calhoun took her closest and most trusted crew members and asked if they would want to captain their own ships and form a fleet so that none of those with wanderlust were left behind. New ships were commissioned and the merchant ship given to one of the new captains. Her singing in their victory becoming iconic, Calhoun's new ship was christened "Siren's Song" and the small fleet became the beginnings of the Sisters of the Sea.   The three ships worked together for years, giving them advantage over all solo sailing ships and steadily growing their wealth. Deciding to embrace the idea that women on a ship were bad luck, every ship becamed named after a sign of bad luck, steadily growing to a total of thirteen ships, a number the Sisters happily set as their limit as it became harder to keep track of all of the members. Eventually appointed to commodore, Penelope Calhoun wrote up a code all Sisters were expected to follow and be used to elevate them to one of the strongest naval powers on the seas.  

The Sisters' Code

  • No Sister shall harm another
  • No blood shall be spilled of friend or foe without due cause
  • All Sisters shall receive equal share after Captain and ship expenses are met. Nothing that is not a personal treasure shall be witheld from crew
  • Respect will always be given by a Sister until none is received
  • Should a Sister call for aide, a Sister shall answer
  • Should there be an opening in the crew, no man shall be denied a chance to join, for if any man is unafraid to sail with a woman, they are worth more than their salt
  • An affront to one Sister is an affront to all and shall not go unanswered
Worldwide   Continent
None: Raider's Rest   Founded
1452AE by Penelope "Bad Penny" Calhoun   Purpose
Criminal- Piracy   Known Members
Commodore Calhoun
Feather on the Breeze
Sifts Through Sand- former
Georgina Blake
Victoria Chase
Vilni Blythe
Talwyn Nightingale


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Jul 3, 2023 06:39

Heck yeah, Bad Penny! Go be the best pirate! >:D

Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.
Aug 27, 2023 13:50 by C. B. Ash

heh I *love* this so much!